Documenting the intimate lives of friends and lovers, as well as trusting acquaintances from bar scenes in New York and Boston, photographer Nan Goldin compiled hundreds of images made over two decades into The Ballad of Sexual Dependency. Presented in its original, 35mm slide-show format, the images seem to invite us into a world that is universally human yet highly specific. "There is a popular notion that the photographer is by nature a voyeur, the last one invited to the party," Goldin has said. "But I'm not crashing, this is my party. This is my family, my history." The title of the work is taken from a song in Bertolt Brecht's The Threepenny Opera; its soundtrack features New York bands like The Velvet Underground, whose song lyrics evoke themes explored within the photographs.
I know it's a different approach, but I have always been able to identify myself with Nan Golden. I know that she uses the camera to document her life in a way that I would like to be remembered as well- but hopefull in a more positive light. She is an inpirational documentary photographer for me because she truly uses the medium to express what is happening in her life. I really want to explore and advance in the overwhelming relm of documentary and I will strongly consider the raw tactics in which Nan has used throughout her carreer.
My Work. . .
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Digital photography was very threatening during the dawn of it's time. Many photographers has mixed feelings about digital. . . here are some examples from the book:
Richen, "whose thinking is haunted by an almost Orwellian nightmare of a future world of digital illusions (1990a: 3), saw that substitution of chemical by electronic processes as leading to a radical increase in the degree to which a photograph could be manipulated. Fearing a world in which images would no longer be trusted to reliably inform us about the wider world, he searched for strategies which would enable photojournalists to ward off the digital"(315)
I can understand why Richen would feel this way about digital photography, however coming from my point of view, I think that digital is very important within todays world. We are constantly evolving as a culture and it is important to keep up with those things. Eventhough it's rapid- it wont stop. There is no need to fight against some things. I think that dark room processes and film have a very special place and they can still be utilized in the art world, however as far as photography- there are new and better things- and they must be embraced as well. For my own work, digital is important because I can shoot so much more without having to worry about film.
William J. Mitchell, "in his view, digital image technologies would bring a 150-year period of 'false innocence' to an end; a false innocence belonging to the period during which chemical photographs provided us with images that we could comforably regard as ' casually generated truthful reports about things in the real world." (Michell 1992: 225- Pg 318)
I think that Mitchell was worried that digital couldn't do the same things that film can, and to a certain extend, this is true- however with technology at a rapid incline- i think that digital is coming to a point in time where is can do all the things that film can and so much more.
Crary observed " that the new constructed 'virtual' visual spaces of computer-generated imagery which were then emerging, were radically different from the 'mimetic capacities of film, photgraphy and television." (319)
Richen, "whose thinking is haunted by an almost Orwellian nightmare of a future world of digital illusions (1990a: 3), saw that substitution of chemical by electronic processes as leading to a radical increase in the degree to which a photograph could be manipulated. Fearing a world in which images would no longer be trusted to reliably inform us about the wider world, he searched for strategies which would enable photojournalists to ward off the digital"(315)
I can understand why Richen would feel this way about digital photography, however coming from my point of view, I think that digital is very important within todays world. We are constantly evolving as a culture and it is important to keep up with those things. Eventhough it's rapid- it wont stop. There is no need to fight against some things. I think that dark room processes and film have a very special place and they can still be utilized in the art world, however as far as photography- there are new and better things- and they must be embraced as well. For my own work, digital is important because I can shoot so much more without having to worry about film.
William J. Mitchell, "in his view, digital image technologies would bring a 150-year period of 'false innocence' to an end; a false innocence belonging to the period during which chemical photographs provided us with images that we could comforably regard as ' casually generated truthful reports about things in the real world." (Michell 1992: 225- Pg 318)
I think that Mitchell was worried that digital couldn't do the same things that film can, and to a certain extend, this is true- however with technology at a rapid incline- i think that digital is coming to a point in time where is can do all the things that film can and so much more.
Crary observed " that the new constructed 'virtual' visual spaces of computer-generated imagery which were then emerging, were radically different from the 'mimetic capacities of film, photgraphy and television." (319)
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Still from Aiwa To Zen
Edition of 5
Duration: 11 minutes 30 seconds
I chose Candice Breitz as an artist that I can relate to because her subjects seem to be candid. Although she works with video installation, and I do not- I have always wanted to try video art because I think it captures moments better than photography sometimes. Candice is trying to express certain cultures by using performances to convey certain emotions. . . where as I try and preserve certain cultures through photography.
Still from Aiwa To Zen
Edition of 5
Duration: 11 minutes 30 seconds
I chose Candice Breitz as an artist that I can relate to because her subjects seem to be candid. Although she works with video installation, and I do not- I have always wanted to try video art because I think it captures moments better than photography sometimes. Candice is trying to express certain cultures by using performances to convey certain emotions. . . where as I try and preserve certain cultures through photography.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Photography. . . you so crazy!
This piece by The Bruce High Quality Foundation, "a group of anonymous artists, uses performances and pranks to critique the art world. For the work on view in 2010, the Foundation repurposed an iconic vehicle as a “portable museum,” a site for both reviving and putting to rest American cultural myths." I am using these photographs as an example because I was photographing a performance piece in order to change the meaning conceptually through the use of photography.
April 14th Blog. . . fashionably late. . .
I chose this piece because it is encompassing a world that is fantasy and perhaps reality as well. I can relate to this piece because I too deal with fantasy worlds within my artwork. The following images are of sculptures that I have made and photographed. I think they make more interesting photos than sculptures which is interesting. I am trying to find meaning through art I create out of pure serendipity. Debord believes that it is up to the artists to create a world that makes us think and evolve through communication (through the use of art) "Debord's key argument is that ordinary people as spectators of spectacle remain passive, uncreative and therefore powerless in the running of society." (Pg. 208 2nd para)
April 7th Blog. . . because I was obviously too distracted with real life.
Im using these photographs as an example because of the subject matter and placement. I can brush up on some lighting techniques! Looking forward to it. This is Anna. . . it was her Birthday and she was cute.

Im using these photographs as an example because of the subject matter and placement. I can brush up on some lighting techniques! Looking forward to it. This is Anna. . . it was her Birthday and she was cute.
I can see the similarities within the work of Lise Sarfati and my own due to the overall interest in subject matter as well as lighting and concept. We both seem to be highly interested in people doing interesting things. I shoot people that I know a lot, and I can tell that Lise knows the people that she shoots on a personal level. I am inspired by lise and hopefully we can do a show together soon! <3
March 31st Blog. . . um. . .opps
Katherine, Corey and Manny. These are my 3 roomies. I took this photo right before they took off for Texas. I think it's a great family portrait.
My Brother Seth, and Smoke. I think this image says a lot about who they are. . .
Katherine at a restaurant. . . I guess you know when you're a documentary photography when you feel like a creepy stalker half the time.
Madness. People dancing at Cervantes. Everyone is experiencing something different. . . yet they are all in the same place.
"The camera is an active mass tool of representation is a vehicle for documenting one's conditions (of living, working and sociality; for creating alternative representations of oneself and one's sex, class, age-group, race, etc; of gaining power of analysis and visual literacy) over one's image; of representing arguments and demands; of stimulating action; of experiencing visual pleasure as a producer, not a consumer of images; of relating to, by objectifying, one's personal and political environment." (Slater 1983: 246) pg. 108 I chose this paragraph because I relate to it with my style. I consider myself a documentary photographer and it has always helped me to gain a better understanding as to who i am as an artist and as a person. It is the most for filling experience I have ever had because it is so personal yet so many people can relate.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Things I come across. . .
I used my friend Mike's shower because mine broke. He lives in an old convent. . . and this was in the bathroom. I thought it was beautiful. . .
This basement belongs to a friend of a friend. . . it was very cccrrreeeeeppppppy.
Max's house. How typical. . .
Stranger. . . with the most ridiculous tattoo. . . I think I should do my next project based off of this piece. . .
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Brit cubist in the making? From Ruth Drawing Picasso, Tate Liverpool, 2009
Marian Goodman Gallery, New York/ParisThere's so much boredom in this photograph. Why is it so important for us to live up to expectations regarding social norms. . . why does any of that even matter? This photo is gray and gloomy- there is no joy in this child's face. She would rather be naked running in a field of sunflowers on the moon.

Gerhard Lang |
Palaeanthropical Physiognomy Identikit photographs (1) from the German Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) 1992 |
A bug is interesting no matter what. They are suuuper small and yet so many human being are terrified of them. Maybe it's because they look so frightening up close. This is a very strange portrait. It creeps me out like crazy.
Things I come Accross. . .
Max threw up the whole way home. . . what a trooper.
We opened up a Medical Marijuana Clinic. . . of course his house looked fancy.
This fish had a funny name. . . too bad my memory failed!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
These are neat. . .

Andrew Moore (American, born 1957). Model T Headquarters, 2009. Chromogenic photograph, 50 x 60 in. (127 x 152.4 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Robert A. Levinson Fund, 2010.40Exhibitions: That Place: Selections from the Collection
This reminds me of my dreams. . . I've been dreaming a lot lately about doors. . . and going through them and finding some pretty wild stuff. . . perhaps the artist and I share similar experiences.

Hans Hoffmann, An Affenpinscher (detail), 1580, watercolor and gouache on vellum. Kasper Collection, New York.
Mannerism and Modernism: The Kasper Collection of Drawings and Photographs
January 21 through May 1, 2011
January 21 through May 1, 2011
How could anyone say 'no' to a face like this?!

Robert Doisneau Untitles, 1952 Vintage gelatin silver print 93/8 x 7 1/8 inches
April 07, 2011 - May 04, 2011
Thursday, April 7th, 6-8pm
Thursday, April 7th, 6-8pm
I am a little obsessed with reflections. I think this image justifies how beautiful they can be. . .
Personal Findings. . .
I found these at an antique mall in the middle of no where. I wonder about the couples who purchased these for their cakes. . . they're probably all divorced. . . or dead. I'm such an optimist.
I found these masks at a second hand store. These things always creeped me out as a kid.. . . even more so now.
I've been taking sculpture pretty serious lately. I welded this out of steel. . . the children are cutout from an old National Geographic. I really want to start combining photography and sculpture more. . . because it's really fun and interesting!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Personal Findings. . .
We waited patiently for some Pizza. . . and in the meantime. . . we got really artsy.
Asher and Talia. . . up to no good.
My Brother. . . the fire sign.
These are neat. . .

Studio Museum Harlem
Dawit Petros
Harlechrome No. 2, 2009
Nov 11, 2010 - Mar 13, 2011
It's hip to be a square. . . especially if you're one in this photograph:)

Galerie Lelong, New York
Krzysztof Wodiczko ...OUT OF HERE: The Veterans Project
February 12- March 19, 2001
Seven-channel video, color with sound; 8:20 minute loop
Installation view:
Windows attract me. They are so revieling. . . and so mysterious.
Janus/Symbiosis, 2010
Yancey Richardson Gallery
This piece excites me. It reminds of how funny and scary art can be.
Krzysztof Wodiczko ...OUT OF HERE: The Veterans Project
February 12- March 19, 2001
Seven-channel video, color with sound; 8:20 minute loop
Installation view:
Windows attract me. They are so revieling. . . and so mysterious.

Janus/Symbiosis, 2010
Yancey Richardson Gallery
This piece excites me. It reminds of how funny and scary art can be.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Personal findings. . .
My eyes were fucking up this week. . . so I had to go here.
Maybe they hurt because I'm slowly turning into an Alien and
I need new special kinds of eyes O.O
Julian and his cousin. . . and they have the same unintentional pose. . .
I sometimes just love when this happens. . .
Lexi's window. A combination of trees and houses. TREE HOUSES!
It felt just as gloomy as it looks. . .
These are neat. . .

535 W 22nd Street New York, NY
Bernd and Hilla Becher. Plant for Styrofoam production, Wesseling
near Cologne, Germany, 1997
If I saw this. . . i would have taken a picture also. Factories are neat to look at but they are also a little creepy. Maybe it's because they remind me of Alien spaceships.
If I saw this. . . i would have taken a picture also. Factories are neat to look at but they are also a little creepy. Maybe it's because they remind me of Alien spaceships.

January 22- March 12
This image oddly reminds me of a lucid dream I experienced last night. It was both beautiful and terrifying. . . this one reminds me of Aliens too. . . weird!

Okay. . . seriously? Maybe I was abducted by Aliens last night or something cause this is just freaking me out. Anyway, I like this picture.
Stillborn, 2010, Ink jet print, Courtesy Carl Hammer Gallery, Chicago and Yancey Richardson Gallery, New York
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